Just when you think you can sit back and try to enjoy the peacefulness you desperately sought after, the world overwhelms you with its conflicts, hatred and despair of normal life...


And General Insanity creeps in Every day....



Thursday, March 30, 2006

--> Pulling My Hair Out.. <--

Yo kids!

Well, almost everyone's got their essays back except S53.. i PROMISE they'll get back to your eager hands the next Tues!! Haha.. ooh, very nice discussion on the education thing although I think most of you could have contributed more =)

For the rest who have got their essays back, please don't be so upset! It's very natural to get that sort of mark! Remember the achievement question? Should success be measured by achievement (academic grades)? Well, honestly, no.. grades don't determine a person's self worth. Besides, you need the time to develop the grades anyway. By next year, you'll all be scoring much better! Really!!

S61, glad you all enjoyed the movie and that it affected you in some way. Hope this makes you guys discuss and have serious intellectual debates about it.. haha

A13- AGH!!!! I'm actually out of things to do!!! it's actually going to be quite a dry period cos we'll be doing comprehension skills.. I'm actually pulling all my luscious locks out, just figuring what I should do with you guys tomorrow!! Any suggestions?

Chloe Andrina Tied_
4:10 AM


Monday, March 27, 2006

--> essay madness <--

alright, sorry I couldn't return your essays today!!

S53, hope you enjoyed the movie? Hope that gave you all something to think about as well.

s32, thanks for being so good as to read the article and voicing out your views and opinions. Taufiqur, remember to bring your presentation this thursday so we can go through all of them.

A13- Essays back tomorrow!! Yay!! Melanie- where's my money???? $2 from everyone please!!!

2nd intakers have to pay $6.50 ($4.50 to the GP dept, $2 to me for photocopying stuff for you..)..also, the bad news is that 2nd intakers will still have to do the essay as homework ok?? haha! see you all soon!

Chloe Andrina Tied_
11:34 PM


Thursday, March 23, 2006

--> Sometimes, we miss that touch so much, we Crash into each other... <--

Hello my little ones..

S32, I hope you guys had a fulfilling time, watching Crash and thinking about racial issues. I really think there's a lot of undercurrent racial tension even at home, as some of you have unfortunately experienced for yourselves...

S53, You guys only watched half the movie but what do you think of it? Was it interesting? Did it ring true for you? Was it too unrealistic? sorry for the explicit language lah.. you know Hollywood..

S61, thanks so much for your input in your projects but I really hope you know what I'm trying to do for you... It's like, if you start with developement of characters, you need to keep along those lines and link them to the rest ie: family ties and relationships and social/individual perspective but you have to make sure you always link it back to character development. You guys will get to watch Crash next week..

Chloe Andrina Tied_
4:44 PM


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

--> Tomorrow- Heavy Day... <--

A13- My 'stressed' younglings, not sure if we're able to watch Crash on Friday because a number of you might not be in class due to CCAs and stuff.. might hopefully be able to return essays.. judging by the lengths of them =) thanks for engaging in discussion today. At least most of you took the effort to read the article.

S32- You'll probably finish Crash tomorrow and please remember your projects ok? Please hit me with your impressive intellect.

S53- Kids, I think I'll let you guys watch Crash after your presentations.

S61- As promised, you people will also be bombarding me with intellect and impressive composition structural organisation.

See you adorable people tomorrow!

Chloe Andrina Tied_
11:51 PM


Monday, March 20, 2006

--> Reminders <--

S53, well done for completing your presentations today! You just need to present them this coming Thursday.. Muahaha!!! I look forward to listening to your oh-so-intellectual and wise inputs on the death penalty and religious cartoons! =)

S32, [here's your class ah! don't say that I never mention your class on the blog! =) ]remember your promise!!! and i hope the movie was ok for you guys..sorry for the over-the-top use of the F-word.. as you know, with no F-words, Hollywood would cease to exist.. but I hope the movie's made you think about issues that're not only evident in the USA but in many other countries as well. Leave your comments about the show in the TagBoard if you want.. good to get some movie reviews.. and remember your projects this Thursday, yah?!?! Or else I'll sit on all of you!!

A13- I reeeaalllly hope that you people have your presentations ready.. and here's a dedication especially to VERA!! eh, remind your class about their projects ok!!! i need to hear some intellectualism tomorrow morning!!!

see you lovely people!

Chloe Andrina Tied_
9:45 PM

S61, thanks for your undivided attention today.. =) Next lesson, please ensure that all your projects are done. Thanks!

S32- you'll be doing your projects tomorrow.. Remember ok!!! Your essays are still in the process of being marked.. So they'll be given back to you either next lesson or next week.

S53- Ah yes, you guys are a little bit behind but you will be given articles based on capital punishment/Death penalty and terrorism. You will be broken up into 4 groups for discussion and later, you will present your intellectual and stimulating findings! haha! Essays are also still being marked so you guys can wait for the apocolypse to occur in the next lesson or next week..haha

See you all tomorrow!

Chloe Andrina Tied_
5:44 AM


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

--> Holidays are soooo fun!!! <--

Hello to everyone!

So, how's been the holidays so far?? My condolences to the Student Councillors who have buried their holidays 6 feet under.. =) (Like Meh-Meh and Hua-Hua) haha!

Well, just to prove that teachers aren't all that boring- I spent my Monday having a blast!!! Went swimming for 2 hours and then


Karaoke-ing for (not 1) but FOUR solid hours man!!!

My cousins and I went down to Katong shopping centre (the haven for the young Ah-Bengs/Ah Lians and wanna be Ah-Kows) and booked a room for our crooning session..

And no, we did not spend four hours belting out Hokkien songs.. it was our own American Idol session and I must say, we sounded MUCH better than a lot of those who auditioned and made a total fool of themselves!! heehee.. Well, I would've attempted some Jay Chou or Fish Leong songs... IF I knew how to read Mandarin!!! Then again, my pronunciation would be SOOO bad that I'd be beaten up!!

Well, kids, hope you all having a good time and enjoying yourselves.. ooh, YiXiong!!! Where's your essay!!! If anyone from his class sees this, inform him about this essay 'loanshark' demand!!

Okay, here's another great video for you guys.. which is why I ALWAYS watch American Idol videos.. They are THE BEST!!

Chloe Andrina Tied_
6:08 AM


Thursday, March 09, 2006

--> Vive le Pepe Le Pew!! <--

Hello Kids,

A13, thanks for the essays- i know u were all very tired and well done for sticking through the armageddon of the week.. for those who had verbal constipation, you know the P.O Box: cloverjuice@gmail.com you need to e-mail your 'secret' documents by Saturday Noon, sil vous plait!! Tu comprend? Merci Beaucoup!

Amos, thanks for visiting today- sorry we couldn't provide you with entertainment but i hope the following video clip will make up for the boring time you had.. hope your ex-classmates will give you the link for this page =) It was lovely having you again...

Kenny- I only have one thing to say about you... you are absolutely, flabbergastingly hilarious!! you really made me laugh today.. but seriously, i hope your opinion will change with time.. =)

Ok, on to S61, these are the following groups:

Chen Rui, Ding Hong, Jeannie, Liu Wen and Her Han
Development of Charles's and McLeod's characters

Yvonne, Jeffrey, Ming Jie, Wai Bin and Su Chen
Family Ties- How does everyone relate to each other? What sort of family is it?

Darren, Terence, Shi Jie and Tran
Social Perspective vs Individual Perspective- hint is to talk about the development of perspectives...do they change? remain stagnant? whose perspective do we, as the audience, follow? How do the perspectives differ?

Felicia, Teo Hong, Ye Li and Yuan Hong
Relationship between McLeod and Charles- talk about development and whether it is limited to teacher/student?

This has to be done in time for presentations after the holidays.. please, can someone pass on this blog link to Felicia so she can access it too? Or someone give her a call to inform her about this?

On to some light hearted entertainment:
a little videoclip from me!! Why don't they make classic cartoons like this anymore??? Just play and make sure your speakers are on!!

Hope you guys enjoyed that- hope you all have a good holiday!! well, except for the Student Councillors who have willingly opted NOT to have a life!! haha! See you next next week!!

Chloe Andrina Tied_
3:33 PM


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

--> Class Discussions <--

Well well, S61, well done to the 2 groups who've finished their presentation and as for the rest *fake glare*- you know what to do!! yes, this has to be done and presented after you come back from the holidays ok??
Dear Jeffrey has admitted to missing 3/4 of the movie- sigh...can someone please fill him in on the details or his 'usefulness' in the group presentations for The Man Without a Face will be comparable to the usefulness of a pashmina to a guy (if you guys know what a pashmina is... if you don't, it's a sort of pretty cashmere scarf..) =)
ok, i know some of you have forgotten the groups and what you're supposed to do- so watch this space tomorrow so I can post the groups online...
For 2nd intake, as i said before, you poor lost souls can attach yourselves like leeches to the various groups and see what they're working on etc..
Reminder to those who haven't done the essay- Essays need to be done over holiday! You girls have to hand it in first thing on Monday after the hols, ok?
Of course, lastly, it was really nice to see Sze Huan and Emily again! Here's wishing you good luck and happiness in your new schools! Don't feel shy to drop in once in a while..erm, of course, don't continue dropping in after the June hols otherwise the new GP teacher might put a restraining order against the both of you =)

okies, that's about it..

To 06A13- you kids have an essay tomorrow!! No groaning and persuading me to let you guys bring it home to do ok??

Chloe Andrina Tied_
11:41 PM

Hello my younglings,

S32, hope you'll continue your intellectual discussions so that you can present your arguments after the holidays.
Don't forget your Man Without a Face presentations!! For new students, maybe the 1st intakes can assume them into the various groups so noone gets left out. Fill them in on the movie if you like and tell them what good taste I have in movies.. haha.. maybe i might let you watch Brokeback Mountain.. hmm, on second thought, maybe not! i'll get fired for corrupting your innocent minds =)

Group presentations are as follows:

Yuru, Randall, Li Ting, Shidah, Prakash and Zhiwei
Development of Charles's and McLeod's characters

Jean, Daphne, Alvin, Elizabeth, Sindhu
Family Ties- How does everyone relate to each other? What sort of family is it?

Caron, Esther, Vincent, Samantha, Ngang Ju and Elliot
Social Perspective vs Individual Perspective- hint is to talk about the development of perspectives...do they change? remain stagnant? whose perspective do we, as the audience, follow? How do the perspectives differ?

Zamir, Jolie, Jacklyn, Seela and Taufiqur
Relationship between McLeod and Charles- talk about development and whether it is limited to teacher/student?

For Alvin, and other 1st intakes who haven't done the essay, you need to complete one question during the holidays.. 2nd intakes, you can choose to do it if you wish..
Either get the questions from your classmates or come to me tomorrow before 12.10pm to collect the questions from me. Ext no. is 148, ask for Ms Chloe Lim.

Alrighty, I won't be such a nag, yah? have a good holiday!

Chloe Andrina Tied_
6:37 PM

Firstly, here's a warm welcome to all new students and I hope you'll enjoy your stay in VJC for the next year and a half...

obviously, this is the GP website that you guys can access anytime.. it'll serve as a site to remind you about homework, what articles you need to bring.. an update on the events that are happening.. i might set up some links (especially to sites you could go to for news and stuff.. but of course, that'll take some time.

Well, here's a little update for you:

Thurs: S53 is going to have to do an essay during their three period.
S32 and S61 will be having a class discussion/presentation on terrorism and
the freedom of speech/the death penalty in Singapore.

Friday: A13, you'll be doing an essay as well- you'll have to choose a question out of 12 so please have a read through your GP guidebooks composition skills package I gave out a few weeks ago!

That's about it.. so see you all tomorrow!

Miss Lim

Chloe Andrina Tied_
12:30 PM


Tuesday, March 07, 2006


oh yes, melanie,


Collect $2 from everyone
Remember to remind everyone abt projects for after the holiday...

Chloe Andrina Tied_
8:22 PM


the culprit
Miss Chloe Andrina Lim

GP Tutor

Ah yes, the coolest GP website ever created by Miss Chloe Lim..No More excuses for forgetting to bring articles or assignments!!

 The privileged ones??Give a round of applause to:



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Do feel free to leave your comments about issues, classes, what was lacking, what you loved/hated, and of course, GOSSIP!! =)





  • ------------------+++------------------ ::memories::
