Just when you think you can sit back and try to enjoy the peacefulness you desperately sought after, the world overwhelms you with its conflicts, hatred and despair of normal life...


And General Insanity creeps in Every day....



Saturday, May 27, 2006

--> Au Revoir, Mes Etudiants <--

I can't believe 5 months have come and gone and that I won't be teaching you guys anymore!! *sob*

Thanks so much for all the fun and all the good laughs. I really had so much fun and fulfilment teaching you and I know I may not have imparted tonnes of knowledge to you but I can only hope I made a difference, even if it was a teensy weensy one =)

S32- thanks for your lovely card.. i keep wanting to cry just looking at the photos and reading it! You guys are so darn sweet man!!! Your messages really made my day. I'll miss you guys loads!!! And sorry man, the dunking attempt has to be another day..or rather, another lifetime.. haha but i'm sure Elliot will be willing to take my place, when he decides to stop struggling.. =) a pity Prakash wasn't around that day..

S53- thanks for the cake, my dears!! Very thoughtful of you guys!! I love the chocolate man!! Eh, you guys ah, better not be so playful, especially the girls!! You all will do just fine ok?? I'll miss your lame jokes, especially from manic Afzal and blur James.. haha!! I'll miss all your weird scandals!! *winks at Chen Ye, ESPECIALLY!!*

S61- Okay, my quite rowdy class, especially with Jeannie.. muahaha kidding lah...actually you guys are quite quiet lah. You guys seem to be the most worried about your capabilities.. you guys are just FINE!!! The potential is there..it needs the right positive frame of mind and the time to develope. Oh, Su Chen, thanks for the stuff. I really appreciate it. Thank you and I was really touched by it. =)

A13- my spore colony. Well, of course, I'll miss you..well, except Vera.. Haha!! KIDDING!! I had a lot of laughs with you, esp during the sex ed class we had one day..stupid Jeo and her questions.. haha!!! now, i won't have pesky spores like you shouting 'chair chair' across the canteen!!! I must say, I think we've taken the most creative class photos!! Thanks for being so funny and fun! ARTS RAWKS!!!!

Chloe Andrina Tied_
9:17 AM


Thursday, May 11, 2006

--> The Hills of Essays are Alive and Coming to Swallow Me... <--


So many essays and comprehensions to mark!!! and the shadows under my eyes are going to earn me the typical name of a panda- Xiaoxiong or Xiang Xiang..

Happy Vesak Day to everyone, regardless whether you're Indian or not..

Sigh. Ok, ranting about how slow and behind I am is going to be dead boring now and I'm actually quite exhausted today, for some reason.. that some reason being I had to finish marking S61's compre scripts and I spent no less than 4 hours on the comp yesterday night, typing out notes and retyping and editing an article for you guys next term. Ok, I won't actually be here to facilitate the activity but maybe I should make a guest appearance next term?? =)

ok, S61- Monday: First 2 periods, you guys will do the short questions, vocab and summary section of the Compre paper, then we will go through Singlish Application Qn in the last period.. on Thursday, you will take 1/2 hr to finish the Application Qn of the Compre paper i gave you on Monday.

S32- congrats, you have actually completed the first half of the compre...so you guys can complete application Qn on tues..

S53- we're going through the Singlish Application Qn and then you will do the compre on Thurs.

A13- congrats, you guys have finished all the GP assignments for the term!!! weehee!!! we'll finish up the essay questions on Wed..

ok, have a good weekend!!

Chloe Andrina Tied_
12:32 AM


Thursday, May 04, 2006

--> Subjectivity of History <--

Oh my gosh, I just watched a documentary about the Da Vinci Code yesterday and I think it was ultra fascinating.
I think what caught me off-guard was how subjective history can get- due to censorship. I mean, how are we to know whether history texts are accurate if most of them are based on human perspective and human story telling? The Bible is one text that, objectively speaking, is highly controversial.
Firstly, one fact I found out is that there were originally 30 gospels and only 4 were picked to be the official ones in the Bible that we read and study today. and there's actually a gospel according to Judas!!! The misunderstood one? The one born to be condemned?
Secondly, regarding the Da Vinci Code documentary, there was a place called 'Migdal' where Mary Magdalene apparently got her name from. A writer insists that this name didn't exist in the 1st Century while historians dispute this. How does anyone know?!?! Did someone actually dig up a sign board from the 1st Century?!?!
Thirdly, all these years, I've always thought Mary Magdalene was a prostitute or the fallen woman.. and that she was the same prostitute that came and wiped Jesus' feet with her tears and hair (Christians should know which one I'm talking about..) but apparently, she WASN'T!! Mary Magdalene was NEVER a prostitute and she wasn't the prostitute that wiped Jesus' feet. We have believed this for so long because Pope Gregory the Great decided to declare this as fact in 500-something AD but the Church retracted this only in 1969!!
Lastly, apparently, there are some documents dating back ages ago, stating that the early French Royal Monarchy consisted of the descendents/offspring of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Is this text to be taken seriously?? If such a claim was true, wouldn't this spell a disaster for Christianity and all we believe in?

So, here's a thinker: Is History all that accurate? Can we safely say that History is untampered by censorship or tainted with human bias and perspective? Is it all that objective???
History is so important because it definitely shapes the world we have today... If everything in the Bible was proven to be false, this spells the collapse of the Christian world as we know it today. Or what if we found out that Hitler never authorised the Holocaust and really, he didn't know anything about it or that Qin ShiHuang didn't build the Great Wall? All these questions are, of course, speculation on my part and not an attempt to create a controversy or stir outrage. But really, just think... Can we really believe History and the truth it 'proclaims'?

All right, here's my GP spew.. Lap it all up, my sporelings!! =)

A13- please hand in the application questions on Mon!!

S61- You have a Composition to do next Monday.

S32- Application Questions in next Monday as well!

S53- We're going through application questions next week..

Chloe Andrina Tied_
4:29 PM


Monday, May 01, 2006

--> Comprehensions and Essays will sooth this sorethroat!!! <--

I sound like a frog!!


I hate it when there's a constant itchiness in my throat and all I want to do is just rip out my whole larynx and scratch it!!!
I swear, one of you spores must have passed it to me!! *sob*

Okay: Bad news...
S32 and S53- ESSAYS this week!!! Please try not to play sick or anything funny because you will have to do the essays by hook or by crook!! And review from A13: Wah.. So hard ah?? So please, do psyche yourself.. show me your brilliance!! =)

A13- On to application questions.. sigh, seriously hope you guys can concentrate on this section!!

S61- same thing- application.. but the good thing is that I've gone through some of it with you already. and please don't start complaining when I set you the application questions to do!!!

See you guys soon...

Chloe Andrina Tied_
3:46 AM


the culprit
Miss Chloe Andrina Lim

GP Tutor

Ah yes, the coolest GP website ever created by Miss Chloe Lim..No More excuses for forgetting to bring articles or assignments!!

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Do feel free to leave your comments about issues, classes, what was lacking, what you loved/hated, and of course, GOSSIP!! =)





  • ------------------+++------------------ ::memories::
