Just when you think you can sit back and try to enjoy the peacefulness you desperately sought after, the world overwhelms you with its conflicts, hatred and despair of normal life...


And General Insanity creeps in Every day....



Monday, July 24, 2006

--> Saying Goodbye to All Things Childish... <--

I'm going to be moving house soon and I was instructed by my parents to pack up my hurricane-hit room into boxes. Of course, needless to say, it isn't really going as fast as I would like. Plus, it's a rather painful and slow process, trying to cram 22 years of my life into 10 cardboard boxes. I still harbour the childish notion of permanence. I thought and hoped that my home would be my home till I married out and was ready to move away. That my children would play in it under the watchful eye of my parents. That one of us would inherit it. It's hard to believe that this warm place, bursting with memories will one day be no longer standing...

I had to slowly go through my things to decide which things to bring and which to leave behind or chuck out. Of course, my new room won't be big enough to contain all my stuff. I came across all these trinkets I've been collecting since I was 2: my bean-stuffed kitten (too precious to throw!!), my Pound Puppies my mum 'adopted' for me, letters that my friends wrote, old school magazines, photographs, cute pencils and erasers, university lecture notes..
Then, I came across a pile of posters and magazines that I put off throwing because I must have spent hundreds on them! I leafed through them and laughed, amused at how besotted I was over Take That, Mel Gibson... Tom Cruise (this crush died the day he and Katie Holmes hit the front page...), Gary Barlow.

It was tough but I finally made the decision to throw them out, and along with them, my 14 year old schoolgirl crushes and besotted obsession. It was time to let go the sentiments and move on with adult life. The season of youth has to progress..

Chloe Andrina Tied_
6:17 PM


Saturday, July 15, 2006

--> Imperialism is just Ball Play <--

Food for Thought:

The World Cup wasn't just an Entertainment thing..
Thought about it more and, of course, imperialism sprung to mind. I just think it's so fascinating that imperialism is so rampant even today, especially in the sporting arena.

Take the French team: Zidane from Algeria and Vierra from Senegal.. and the rest of the team are from the many other ex-French colonies. I think there are only 2 true blue French players.
And the German one? - Klose is from Poland and he's not the only Pole bought. Poland which was conquered by the German Third Reich in the second World War has lost other Polish football players to the aggressive German team.

Isn't it the same then- that the people from ex-colonies are still being exploited for skill and 'labour'? Granted, people aren't chained and whipped or helping in sugar plantations in this day and age but whoever says imperialism has been eradicated has some more thinking to do..

Chloe Andrina Tied_
12:35 AM


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

--> The School Term Begins... <--

ah yes, you poor spore souls are back in school and by now, all of you have probably finished your exams. I wish you guys luck anyway.. just a little disclaimer though- don't cry when you get Cs or Ds!! It's normal!!! Maybe star student of S32 (haha) may be able to get a B??

Well, nothing much has happened lately..except I've been pretty caught up with the World Cup fever.. and really, that event has taught me that fate sometimes has other plans... all I know is that:


AGHHHHH!!! Sigh. Stupid Ronaldo. But I guess Rooney, Gerrard, Lampard and Carragher ruined it for England anyway. Kudos to Owen Hargreaves. I knew he had potential!! One thing I must say, watching the World Cup can really make me cry. In fact, I cry more during the World Cup than I did while watching the Titanic (I laughed during that movie, actually). Reason being that I hate watching grown men cry. Beckham's tight-lipped effort to control his tears and John Terry's uncontrolled weeping made my eyes water and I really wished I could comfort them with a hug.

Then the criminal happened.. if England's loss wasn't bad enough, I can't believe BRAZIL lost to... FRANCE?!?!?! So wasted!! If England had pulled through, they would have definitely beaten France and go to the finals! Ok, this is it.. my bet is that Germany will win the Cup ( although I would cross all fingers and toes to prevent that from happening! someone should put a hex on Lehmann or cut off his arms!!) but I'm hoping with every inch of my being that Italy will grab the trophy!!

All right, enough of the sports commentary. I can hear some of you snoring already. See you soon!

Chloe Andrina Tied_
3:05 AM


the culprit
Miss Chloe Andrina Lim

GP Tutor

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  • ------------------+++------------------ ::memories::
