Just when you think you can sit back and try to enjoy the peacefulness you desperately sought after, the world overwhelms you with its conflicts, hatred and despair of normal life...


And General Insanity creeps in Every day....



Saturday, March 31, 2007


I absolutely cannot stand it when people make such a big protest over something, with a battle cry that the situation is controversial, emotional and sensitive for them. And get this, the situation happened 200 years ago...

Yes, slavery. It was a horrible thing to happen. Many innocents died a horrible death and I truly abhor the concept of slavery. But guess what? Many innocent people died in the World Wars too. In fact, my granduncle was taken and shot on the shores on Changi beach but do I go up to every Japanese and spit in their faces and tell them what a disgrace they are??? No!! Some of them weren't even responsible for it!!! So I cannot accept a demonstration of protest in the MIDDLE of a church memorial service dedicated to all the slaves and the ones who abolished slavery. Where's the respect???? What gives anyone the right to disrupt something so solemn? Apparently, the excuse is that it was an emotional moment for the protestor.. REALLY?? Was he chained or made to work in a sugar plantation in Jamaica??? I can understand if his great great grandfather says it's emotional and sensitive but this protestor? How can it be emotional for you when you've probably spent your whole life in the UK as a free man and worked and earned money as a free man? I don't see YOU getting whipped or tortured! Get over it! You curse at the Queen and Tony Blair for not apologising (for something they weren't even born to witness, let alone be responsible for..) and when this service is held as a way of an apology, you tell them they're shameless and disgusting!

Talk about the ridiculous.. You know what, let the Japanese of today beat up every American for what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, let every Indian and Burmese spit on the British for years of torture under colonialism.. or let every present day Jew sue their German counterparts for emotional trauma during the Holocaust.. oh, and while we're all settling ancient scores, let the Christians and Muslims continue their senseless Holy War against each other to settle the last Holy War we had 700 years ago!! Oh, I forgot, that's already happening...

For Pete's sake, why can't we all let go of history and learn from it instead of learning to hate because of it.. It'll make this world a more peaceful place to live in.

Chloe Andrina Tied_
7:05 AM


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

--> The sad fact about people <--

Sometimes people, even people I trust, do things that they or I can't explain. The things they do sometimes hurts me to the core and I don't even know why it affects me so much.

I guess it's because it's not their problem. It's me. I think too much, I analyse too much, I'm too insecure.

AND, I'm too reliant on people. Well, I shouldn't be in future.

There will come a time when I will have to learn to pick myself up and stand on my own and when people I care about don't seem to care so much or understand and even misunderstand, I have to live with it. It's just frustrating that time hasn't seem to come yet and I'm still plagued by all these niggling insecurities.

It's my life. I have to live it and stop worrying about people. Life's too short to keep thinking.

Sometimes, the best remedy is to soak myself up in a book and let the rest of the world disappear..

Chloe Andrina Tied_
12:33 PM


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

--> My Muse is Fading into the sunset <--

I've actually reached a point in my life I've never been before.

I'm neutral.

About everything...

My job, my life and it's so odd to not feel anything.

Sometimes I get up in the morning not knowing how to feel. And I feel my brain draining of any words I have left. I can't write like I used to.I read some of my previous posts in my other blog and I can't help but wonder where I got the inspiration to come up with things like that. It's like I suddenly woke up from my Matrix-like reverie and got stuck in this emotionless black and white movie- all full of sound but lacking the vibrance to reflect the words.

Need to find a muse and my inner self. I used to be able to hear myself think clearly and even my thoughts took shape and filled the screen with the language of passion and humour.

Oh help..

Chloe Andrina Tied_
3:47 PM


the culprit
Miss Chloe Andrina Lim

GP Tutor

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